Athens Neighbor (Sly Jr.)
...He Was Not Big Enough
La Muerte (V2)
American Original (v 2)
La Muerte (sold)
American Original
Man and Sea (private collection)
Basque Sheep (private collection)
Water's Residence (private collection)
Brittainy (private collection)
The Boxers
Rob (152) (sold)
Chrissy (sold)
Chrissy (detail) (sold)
Emily (sold)
Emily (detail) (sold)
Mark 2.0 (sold)
Mark 1.0 (private collection)
Tomas (private collection)
Athens Neighbor (Sly Jr.)
Athens Neighbor (Sly Jr.)
...He Was Not Big Enough
...He Was Not Big Enough
La Muerte (V2)
La Muerte (V2)
American Original (v 2)
American Original (v 2)
La Muerte (sold)
La Muerte (sold)
American Original
American Original
Man and Sea (private collection)
Man and Sea (private collection)
Basque Sheep (private collection)
Basque Sheep (private collection)
Water's Residence (private collection)
Water's Residence (private collection)
Brittainy (private collection)
Brittainy (private collection)
The Boxers
The Boxers
Rob (152) (sold)
Rob (152) (sold)
Chrissy (sold)
Chrissy (sold)
Chrissy (detail) (sold)
Chrissy (detail) (sold)
Emily (sold)
Emily (sold)
Emily (detail) (sold)
Emily (detail) (sold)
Mark 2.0 (sold)
Mark 2.0 (sold)
Mark 1.0 (private collection)
Mark 1.0 (private collection)
Tomas (private collection)
Tomas (private collection)